
"I Need a Ryan in My Life" – my most heard comment

Oftentimes when I tell someone about my fitness journey and my incredible weight loss and equally incredible non-scale victories, their number one comment is "I need a Ryan in my life."  I thought I would re-visit how I met Ryan. Mana, me, and Ryan. I decided to take the step forward to get "in shape."  Joe,… Continue reading "I Need a Ryan in My Life" – my most heard comment


Fortified Wolfpack – Semaj Baldwin

When Semaj came to Gold's Gym, he had a vision.  He wanted to form a group of athletes of all different ages and abilities who would train with one another and encourage one another.  He created a private Facebook page where we could upload pictures/videos of ourselves, memes, positive quotes, and encouraging words.In his own… Continue reading Fortified Wolfpack – Semaj Baldwin

fit at 55, fitness goals, non-scale victories, Rheumatoid Arthritis, ryan teal, weight loss

What Are Your Goals – And It Can’t Be a Number

Imagine if your trainer asked you to get crystal clear about your goals, EXCEPT those goals can't have anything to do with numbers on a scale.  What would you say?  How do you want to FEEL?"Because that's really it, isn't it?  When we start out on any fitness or health journey, whether we know it… Continue reading What Are Your Goals – And It Can’t Be a Number