
January 18, 2016 I began a 12 Week Challenge at Gold’s Gym with a trainer who was convinced he could help me lose weight. This blog was started as a private blog for me to record my progress. As my progress increased, I wanted to make it public in the hopes of inspiring and motivating others.

To date, the trainer (Ryan) has helped me lose 75 pounds as well as to lose high blood pressure. My thyroid medicine continues to drop in dosage and my inflammation markers for rheumatoid arthritis continue to be in remission.

As of January 2019, I am reaching out to help others.  I am currently working with 12 online clients for the year.  They are already experiencing great success.  If on line coaching appeals to you and you would like to be included in the next group I take on and/or if you would like to be on my monthly newsletter list, please sign up below.
